Wednesday, April 21, 2004
George Bush: the war president
Mind you, it seems to me that the whole thing would be even more useful as a form of anti-war rhetoric if the same kind of thing were to be done to include and mingle the faces of all the alliance soldiers, various agency and contract workers, and last but not least, all the iraquis killed in Iraq during the same space of time...
For some statistics you can follow the link to the website, where there are in fact some estimates of non-american dead too.
See also Noam Chomsky's Blog for other comments on the war and international politics in general.
Monday, April 19, 2004
Er det her jeg hører til? Progetto interessante a Oslo
Anche se il sito è tutto in norvegese è piuttosto facile navigare, e ci sono anche qualche immagini che offrono un po' di aiuto per capire il modo in cui ogni quartiere si autopresenta.
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
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