Sunday, October 01, 2006

Call for Papers: The Philosophy of Computer Games

Call for Papers

The Philosophy of Computer Games

An Interdisciplinary Conference

We hereby invite scholars in any field who take a professional interest in the phenomenon of computer games to submit abstracts to the conference "The Philosophy of Computer Games", to be held in Modena/Reggio Emilia, Italy, on January 25-27, 2007.

The purpose of the conference is to investigate how current research on computer games calls for clarification of philosophical issues. Computer games constitute a major cultural and economic force in contemporary society, and make up a part of everyday life for a rapidly increasing number of people. This phenomenon calls for collective research by a range of disciplines and traditions. In line with this purpose, the conference is interdisciplinary, drawing together researchers from such diverse fields as philosophy, computer game theory, semiotics, aesthetics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and education.

Your abstract should be between 150 and 300 words. Please specify which of the following aspects of gaming constitutes the primary focus for your submission. (1) "Computer Game Entities", devoted to metaphysical issues related to the virtual nature of computer game objects and events. (2) "Player Experience", which deals with the subjective standpoint of the player, ranging from issues about identity to issues concerning perceptual experience. (3) "The Ethics of Computer Games", devoted to moral, economic, and political issues that relate to the production, design, marketing, and public consumption of games.

Deadline for submission is October 16, 2006. Send your abstract to

Notification of accepted abstracts will be sent out by November 1, 2006.

Espen Aarseth
(Center for Computer Games Research at the IT-University of Copenhagen)

Olav Asheim
(Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo)

Patrick Coppock
(Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative Science at the University of Modena/Reggio Emilia)

The conference is a collaboration between the following institutions:
  • Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo, Norway
  • Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative Science at the University of Modena/Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Center for Computer Games Research at the IT-University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Philosophical Project Centre (FPS), Oslo, Norway
For more information, visit the conference website