Wednesday, May 13, 2009

[Reminder] Conference: The Philosophy of Computer Games 2009

Conference Announcement
(Please excuse multiple sendings)

We are pleased to announce the fourth conference  on the Philosophy of Computer Games, to be held  in Oslo, Norway 13-15 August 2009.

The keynote speakers include Kendall Walton,  author of "Mimesis as Make-Believe: On the  Foundations of the Representational Arts"  (Harvard University Press, 1993), Miguel Sicart,  author of "The Ethics of Computer Games" (The MIT  Press, 2009) and Grant Tavinor, author of "The  Art of Video Games" (Wiley-Blackwell, forthcoming  in October 2009).

For the Call for Papers, registration and more details about the conference, please visit

Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 1.

The conference is a part of an effort to develop  discussions about philosophical issues that arise  in the study of computer games. The topics for  this years conference include fictionality,  definitions of computer games and ethical and political issues. 
The target audience is media researchers and  philosophers, but the conference is open to  anyone with with a professional interest in  computer games.

Nordic Game Research Network is organizing a  pre-conference workshop for Ph.d. students on  August 12.

With best regards

Olav Asheim
Miguel Sicart
Frans Mäyrä
Patrick Coppock
Sten Ludvigsen
Ole Ertløv Hansen
Stephan Günzel
Rune Klevjer
John Richard Sageng
Ragnhild Tronstad

Organizational partners:

Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of  Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo, Norway  (Main conference host)
Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway
Digital Games Research Center, University of Potsdam, Germany
Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative  Science at the University of Modena & Reggio  Emilia, Italy
Nordic Game Research Network
Intermedia, University of Oslo, Norway
Games Research Lab, University of Tampere, Finland
Center for Computer Games Research at the IT-University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Philosophical Project Centre, Oslo, Norway
Department of Information Science and Media  Studies, University of Bergen, Norway