Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Call for papers for a special issue of IJGCMS dedicated to the topic of Ludic Simulations

The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (http://www.igi-global.com/ijgcms) announces a call for papers for a for a special issue dedicated to the topic of Ludic Simulations, co-guest edited by Patrick Coppock (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy) and IJGCMS Editor-in-Chief Rick Ferdig (Kent State University, USA). 
 Call - Ludic here refers to Latin definitions of ludus, referring to fun, play or playfulness.  It might also widened to include the notion of entertaining facilitation, ease or pleasure of use.  Simulations are computer-mediated environments that provide opportunities for users to explore a world, an occupation, a task, etc..  We are making a broad assumption that all electronic games are simulations, but not all simulations are games. 
 We expect electronic games to be fun.  Games that are not fun are not played, understanding that "fun" is unique to each player.  However, we do not often expect simulations to be fun.  If a pilot or anesthesiologist is learning their vocation through virtual experiences, we seem to care more about their learning than whether they are having fun.  We want better doctors and better pilots first and foremost. 
 What does it mean, therefore, to have a simulation that could be called ludic?  Does making a more playful, fun, and pleasing to use simulation impact learning, retention, or practice?  Does a ludic simulation receive more critical reviews for not being serious enough?  What does it mean to make a simulation ludic, without turning it into a game? 
 The purpose of this special issue is to address the ludic nature of simulations.  Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that:
·       Present empirical findings on the use of ludic simulations
·       Push the theoretical knowledge of ludic simulations
·       Conduct meta-analyses of existing research on ludic simulations
·       Present innovative interfaces for ludic simulations, including testing/evaluation data
 Potential authors are encouraged to contact Dr. Coppock (patrick.coppock@unimore.it) or Dr. Ferdig (rferdig@gmail.com) to ask about the appropriateness of their topic. 
 Deadline for Submission:  July 15, 2012. 
Manuscripts should be submitted in APA format.  They will typically be 5000-8000 words in length.  Full submission guidelines can be found at:  http://www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines-for-submission.aspx
 Mission - IJGCMS is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of electronic games and computer-mediated simulations. IJGCMS publishes research articles, theoretical critiques, and book reviews related to the development and evaluation of games and computer-mediated simulations. One main goal of this peer-reviewed, international journal is to promote a deep conceptual and empirical understanding of the roles of electronic games and computer-mediated simulations across multiple disciplines. A second goal is to help build a significant bridge between research and practice on electronic gaming and simulations, supporting the work of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.