Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Call for Participation Workshop: Rethinking Gamification

Call for Participation
Workshop: Rethinking Gamification

A Workshop about the Potential and Implications of Gamification
(Incubator at Leuphana University, Art & Civic Media Lab at the Centre for Digital Cultures)

Aims of the Workshop

This call is for an initial gathering of scholars, practitioners and creatives to start the process of rethinking what “Gamification” means - after the first hype has cooled down. We intend to form a group of critical thinkers in order to develop research perspectives, theoretical positions, concepts and projects that change our ideas of how we will look at gamification. A publication and other forms of presentation are planned to take place, supported by the Centre for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University.

Key Dates and Facts
Length of abstracts: 1000 to 1500 characters
Deadline: 10th March 2013
Contact: (Subject: Rethinking gamification)
Notifications of acceptance: End of March.

Location: Leuphana University Lüneburg
Begin: 15th May (Wednesday) afternoon
End:17th May (Friday) noon.

Conference attendance is free.
Selected presenters will receive travel and accomodation support.

More Information
The full CfP on our blog:

The full CfP as pdf:

Art & Civic Media is a Research Lab that is part of Leuphana University’s Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC). At the “Art and Civic Media Lab”, we research the implications of artistic, non-institutionalised and activist media practices within digital culture.