Tuesday, June 23, 2009

E/C Special Number 5: Computer Games between Text and Practice

Dear Friends & Colleagues

This is to let you know that the internationally peer-reviewed  Special Number 5 of E|C, the online review of the Italian Association  of Semiotic Studies (AISS), entitled: "Computer Games between Text 
and Practice" is now available online at the E|C website:

We would like to invite you to spread the word for us to any of your  colleagues or friends you feel may be interested in our publication.

Please note, too, that it will be possible to order hard copies of  the Special Number on paper - print on demand retail price: 10 Euro -  from our Italian distributors Nuova Cultura:  http://www.nuovacultura.it, by mailing them at the following e-mail  address: ordini@nuovacultura.it

It will also be possible as time goes on to order print on demand  copies via Internet Bookshop (IBS) at http://www.ibs.it

Any feedback or comments you might have regarding our publication  will be gratefully received.

Finally, please accept our sincere apologies for eventual double  postings of this message.

Best regards The Editors

Dario Compagno (University of Siena)
Patrick Coppock (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)