For those of you who happen (erroneously) to believe that Semiotics is only "pure theory", and incomprehensibile at that, here are a few links to UK based people and their advertising/ marketing consultancy agencies that over the last ten years or so have managed to show that semiotics can very successfully be applied to the development and analysis of international marketing and advertising strategies, and in so doing, win accept and widespread acclaim for this particular type of approach in mainstream business, marketing and advertising environments.
After having worked previously for the internationally renowned UK-based marketing semiotics consultancy Semiotic Solutions, pioneered by Virginia Valentine and associates in the 1990's, and also for the equally well known and respected international consortium Added Value Company, Malcolm Evans and a number of other younger colleagues have recently started up a new semiotic marketing research agency based in the UK that goes by the name of "Space Doctors"...
If you want to find out more about who they are and what they do, go and visit their website, where you will find some examples of their work and a number of downloadable academic papers that present and discuss their conceptions of semiotics, and the various approaches and methodologies they have developed and applied in relation to a number of key case studies.