Friday, February 06, 2004

Accepting Diversity

I just rediscovered the website of a great project I heard of and visited some time back and then lost track of. Well worth a visit, and you can also contribute something if you like too!

Accepting Diversity: an interactive handbook in progress

Here's the welcome message from the first page in English (there's also a version in French and Italian)


You are about to consult an interactive manual in progress.

Promoted by the Académie Universelle des Cultures, Accepting Diversity stems from an idea by Académie members Umberto Eco, Furio Colombo, and Jacques Le Goff.

Find out more about the project in the introduction by Umberto Eco.

If you want to co-operate with us, by writing about your experiences or by sending us your examples, exercises, or quotations, please contact the editors

Italian and English language editorial co-ordination: Valentina Pisanty
