Sunday, February 01, 2004

Workshop sulla semiotica dei nuovi media

Venerdì scorso avevo mandato a Lione un proposal firmato da me, Giovanna Cosenza e Patrizia Violi per un workshop sulla semiotica dei nuovi media. Il workshop è pensato di essere una parte della sezione "Theoretical semiotics and epistemology" al 8th Congress of the International Association of Semiotic Studies, Semio2004: Signs of the world : Interculturality and globalisation

Il congresso sia autopresentato in questo modo sul sito Semio2004:

"Signs are conceived and circulate in a world whose recent evolution implies a change in the nature of geopolitical and intercultural relations. The evolution in the means of exchange, in the representations of the world and the strategies devised by political and institutional actors lead semioticians to appraise and update their concepts and analysis tools.."

Il mandato generale per la sezione su theoretical semiotics and epistemology è così:

“The theoretical origins of semiotics will be subject to contemporary debate on the sign and communication. Do New Information and Communication Technologies (N.I.C.T.) require semiotics to invent special methods or procedures for analysis and interpretation? In this framework great theoretical questions about the objects and the boundaries of semiotics will also be tackled.”